Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Middle School here I come!

Hello peoplessss! so I have now officially graduated from 5th GRADE!!!! Wooooohooooo! bring on summer! I am ready for everything! adventures, holidays.
We had a mini like graduation at our school. We had to get dressed up. It was nice...but alot of parents cried. Even My principal Mrs Peterson was crying. She is Leaving the school this year and going to a new Elementary school. My Mom, Dad, Brother, Sisters and Grandma (my dad's mom) were at my graduation. They were in the front row. At the ceremony we got handed our report cards. I am happy to say I got GREAT grades!! My mom made me Leis. They are a hawaiin tradition. My dad is half hawaiin. I was the only one to have Leis. My mom is awesome! She put so much time and effort into it. She's not even Hawaiian. She is from England like me! She even taught me to make it. Might show you a tutorial later.
Happy Graduation to everyone that is finished with school!! some of my friends still have a week left.
So because I did really good at school/Karate/Dance, and so did my sisters....we MIGHT be going to Florida to Universal Studios!!!!

 Can you believe it!?! I can't.... I really hope we do go... I am just freaking out thinking I will get to see...
Minions assemble!!I would get to hang out with Gru and the gang!! I will blend right in. After all I'm part minion. What makes me most EXCITED is ...

I have offered to do a zillion chores at home so I can make more pocket money to buy Harry Potter souvenirs! I will keep you updated.
Meawhile the weather here in omaha hasn't been nice. We've had 2 tornado warnings...Yesterday we had to go to the basement at 1.30 in the morning. I was sleeping and next thing I hear is my mom taking us down. I was kind of scared. Especially after what happened in Oklohoma. We don't have that kind of stuff in England. So, its scary. It makes me sad to think what happened to all those people. Tonight there is bad weather again...I hope this weather gets better. Well gotta go...dinner is ready!! peace out ninjas...


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Build a bear Awesomeness!!!!!

Guess who is coming to Build A Bear?? He lives in a Pineapple under the sea?? and his best friend is a Starfish......

SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick will be out May 17 at Build-A-Bear Workshop®. This will be the first time EVER they are at Build A Bear!! Am soooo getting one! ;) Now I have the tune in my head!!

Are you ready kids "Aye Aye Captain"
I Can't hear you "AYE AYE CAPTAIN"
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea
"Spongebob squarepants"
Absorbant and yellow and porous is he
"Spongebob Squarepants"
If nautical nonsense be something you wish
"Spongebob Squarepants"
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish
"Spongebob Squarepants"
Spongebob squarepants
Spongebob squarepants
Spongebob squarepants


now you will have that stuck in your head toooooooo ;) I found a cool Spongebob lego version video, check it out!

So tried finding more information on the dolls. This is what I could find. I definitely be doing a toy review. So watch this space!!
here are more photos of the Spongebob and Patrick dolls I found online.

remember May 17th!! anyways gotta go have dance class right now. I have a show coming up in May...and am totally not ready for it. will post photos of costume...which I don't like :( . Bye Bye people...Minions...Nerds....Ninjas...and bananas!! Yumiko

Carnival and www.kidtoytesters.com

Tuesday!!! Tuesday! when will it be Friday?? This week , well yesterday today and tomorrow I will be having Tests...tests...and more tests...Something called NESA. Had Math and Reading already next is Science. Can't wait for it to be over. Friday we have a school Carnival!! Can't wait for that! there will be lots of activities. Velcro wall, Slide and obstacle courses, cake walk, face painting, ring toss, Duck pond, Angry Birds game, Minute to win it, Bingo, and I saved the best for last!!! THROW PIES AT TEACHERS!!!! I am so going to be doing that game!!! I wonder if I will get my teacher Mr Stoller! (insert Evil laugh)Muahhhahahaaa!
We have this carnival every year to raise money for the school. If we raise $10,00 then we get to throw pies at our Principal. Now who wouldn't want to do that?? hahahah Actually our Principal is nice..so it will be funny to see her all covered in cream!

Also I have big news!!!Woohooo!! I got my own website!! check it out : www.kidtoytesters.com its new so I am still trying to figure it out with my mom's help. My sisters and I have been testing toys! we have our own youtube channel. Kidtoy testers. It would be awesome if you went and had a look.

If there's any toys that you want us to review let me know. When I grow up, one of the things I want to be is an Inventor. I want to invent all kinds of cool toys. I have built alot of stuff here at home. I usually make stuff for my sisters and my brother. Sometime I will post some of my creations!!! :)
my youtube link looks funny...I look like I am yawning!! I know its cause I was up all night saving the world with my awesome Ninjaness!ok peoples I will write more later...Peace in, Peace out! Yumi

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston marathon bombings :(

Hi everyone...been gone for a few days..there's been a lot Going on. I'm talking about what happened at the Boston marathon. The next day at school, my teacher Mr Stoller tried to reassure all of us. He told us that he couldn't believe it happened, but that we were safe, and not to worry...it was kind of weird though cause he told us not to talk about it. I mean these kind of things you should talk about it right? I have questions...why would this happen?? Why did they want to hurt all those people. My parents talked to me about this. But I still wonder why people can be like this?!? What was the point of killing all those people? Do they hate Americans? Do they hate the government? I don't get why they would kill innocent people? That just cause more hate. Then more people will hate Muslims even though most are good and have nothing to do with this. My mom used to live in Africa when she was little, and she said she grew up around people that were Muslim. They were kind and cared about family. But this kind of thing that happened will make people that are not Muslim think that all Muslim believe in is hatred and killing. So in the end what happens is more people on both sides start hating and more blood will be shed. It makes me sad. My mom is from England, and in 2005 she was 1 block away from one of the london bombings. She was lucky she was not hurt. But many other people werent. A lot of my friends at school were sad about what happened but they aren't thinking about the bigger picture. I wish there was something that we could do. We are children we should not be scared or worried that these kind of things can happen anywhere. When you go out with your friends or family you should not have to worry that you will never be coming back. That you could die because somebody wants to cause destruction and pain.  I hope that all the people that got injured at the Boston marathon bombings get better. And I hope they feel safer now that the other bomber has been caught. Thats it for now..
p.s  Photos are not mine I found them online.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lost April fools post! Founddddddd and posted!

April fool's day at school was interesting...The teachers kept telling us we had surprise tests...then they would say April fools!!! It was like that all day. kids kept pretending to fall or get hurt and then would say April fools! overall it wasn't too exciting! at the end of the day my teacher said! no homework today! we were all like cheering ...then he said hahahah April fools! so we got homework after all.
when my mom picked us up she said we are in so much trouble...she looked very mad. I thought that maybe it was an April fools joke..but she was so serious and she didn't talk to us! We didn't even go home!! When we got close to the mall she turned around and said APRIL FOOLS!! I was like Phewwwwww so happy! she got some gift cards and so she wanted to surprise us and took us to Buildabear. The new My little Ponies had come out at Buildabear. So she wanted to give us a special treat!!!!! Sachi and I were both excited! Kimi did not really care about it at all. If its not Skylanders then she doesn't care. The people at Buildabear were trying to convince her to get one. It was so funny. She kept saying...No thank you I dont like ponies I like Skylanders. I think my mom was embarassed! hahahahhaha ;)

I made a quick video at buildabear here check it out!

ok and here is one i posted on youtube! My little pony review!

here's a funny one!


After my review I was playing with my brother and i got hurt on my arm with his baby gate. This is the one time I was happy i got hurt cause i got a cool shaped cut. and when it heals it will be exactly like this:

here is mine...its kinda like it...maybe..kinda ..
what do you think? i got the two pics above from google. They were the closest ones i could find that zoomed on the face! So as you can see I am now part Harry potter!!
my ninjaness is getting tired... ninja sleep!!!banana wanana good night!!!

Minions of the world Unite!

Hi!!! just wanted to share my Youtube videos for you to see. please comment and let me know what you think! Ok for those that couldn't see my link I finally managed to upload my video!! wooowhoooooo!!! You all know by now that I am Crazy about minions!! I am bananas for them! I can do their voice too...it annoys my mom and dad when I do it all the time!! heheh...but that won't stop me!! so anyways been reviewing the despicable me 2 toys. Some are totally worth it...others not so much. I can't wait for the movie to come out in july!!!
Here check out my other videos..they are other reviews. Will post more later.. but you get to see me! so hope you like it!

I just realized my April fools day post has disappeared?!?! where did it go?I think My awesome ninjaness is rubbing off on to my blog, and my post has gone stealth mode!! Come back I tell you! show yourself post!
well to make it short. My mom pretended to be mad at us on April fools day and then surprised us by taking us to Build a Bear! we got the brand new My little Pony Build a bears that came out that day!! Pinky Pie and Rainbow Dash! It was awesome! And made a Video review for it! Watch it if you are thinking about getting them! well gotta go..tomorrow I have this NESA test for reading. I gotta get my rest and so on...blah blah blah. night night fellow minions!!! Yumi

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Easter!! where's my eggs?

I loveee Easter....its just like Halloween...the one time your parents actually let you eat tons of candy!! :)
The Easter Bunny had visited!!! I believe in the Easter bunny, I know some of you don't but we do here at my house.

 It was awesome! we went egg hunting with my sisters and brother. My brother is only 1 so he kept picking up the eggs and throwing them! hahahah we got 9 eggs each. They had chocolate inside!! sooooo yummy! We found Baskets at our front door, I just about fainted!!! there was minion stuff!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Me happy minion!!!
Sachi got Moshi Monster stuff , chocolate and pretty erasers ( she collects them). Kimi got Skylander stuff...she is OBSESSED with it!! and she is such an awesome player! she knows the names of all the characters! Kenzo got some kiddie snacks, Disney Cars stuff and Elmo. So overall it was pretty Awwwsome! my grandma sent us Easter presents too and my mom and dad gave us a few things for getting great report cards! It felt like Christmas! and you never guess what!?!? I got more Minion stuff!!!! i'm totally minion-ified!
Kimi got the rare Ninjini , molten hot dog and Jade flashwing from Skylanders

Sachi got Megablocks Moshi Monsters and moshi monsters figures!!!
Best Easter Ever!!! thanks Easter Bunny, Mom, dad, and grandma!!! Plus now I have my own youtube channel too!! you gotta check it out!! ;) my dad helped me to set it up. Now I can do any of my videos anytime I want! Banana!!!!!!!
check it out!! peace out Nerdy Ninjas....Tomorrow I'll tell you what I got up to on April fools day...!
